Our Business Offerings...

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Market Research

Our research team conducts various market surveys and produce customised analysis that organisations need to take informed decisions that ultimately gives our clients the competitive edge.

Organisations often require accurate statistics to understand the market in which it plays in and to ensure concise decision making whilst delivering the right products and services to its customers.

In order, to beat competition, proactive organisations require facts obtained through careful research about the industry, to produce forecasts and develop winning strategies.

At Lohi Consulting, we apply modern research methodologies in carrying out all manner of market surveys for our clients to meet their marketing needs.

Business Development

We help companies take their businesses to the next level of operations. In the growth process of organisations, managers often find it challenging to make a successful transition from a sustainable level of business operation to a boom level.

Lohi Consulting takes the responsibility of driving growth, guiding business owners and managers to take the right decisions during this critical transition period that enables our clients successfully move up to a higher and more profitable business platform and we staying with them until they are established as key players.

This also involves designing and implementing business plans to enable organisations achieve breakthrough in Marketing, Sales, Human Resource Management, Logistics, Distribution, Warehousing, Franchising and other aspects of business operations, which ultimately translates into better returns on investment.

Feasibility Studies

Promoters and venture capitalists who seek new business opportunities, have detailed feasibility studies prepared by Lohi consulting, to meet the needs and requirements of different financiers in terms of format and standards.

Business Process Re-Engineering

By benchmarking global best practices, we are able to help our clients implement processes that ensure performance is constantly at the optimum level.

Documentation of business processes eliminates the occurrence of errors and the losses of such errors to organisations.

Business Strategy Development

Companies in the development process, often find that they need the injection of new ideas and robust management skills to turnaround their business from impending/certain failure and make the climb towards sustainable growth and profitability


Lohi consulting provides the knowledge base and skills needed to bring about successful turnaround.

Project Management

Organisations that successfully grow their businesses know how to take advantage of business dynamics.

By introducing and implementing the right programs at the right time, many companies have been able to grow beyond all business projections. The key success factor lies not in defining the project but in its successful implementation

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